Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric surgery includes some of the most challenging problems for surgeons to overcome. The patient’s anatomy is generally smaller and can be more variable due to congenital conditions.
Personalized Surgery can make a huge difference to the success rate of these complex cases where a successful outcome can change the entire path of a patient’s life:
Neurosurgery / CMF

Cardiac Surgery
Surgeons use both Digital and Physical Anatomical Models when planning complex cardiac surgery. Providing accurate 3D visualizations of a hearts can mean the difference between choosing a minimally invasive procedure or open surgery. Virtual Surgery can also be useful, especially for device sizing.
The Models are of particular interest to pediatric surgeons and cardiologists when dealing with congenital heart defects, Insight Surgery has worked for many years with the team at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. The devices are also increasingly used for adult congenital cases and progressive heart disease.